
Voter Registration Information

Since 2012 is a Presidential election year it is more important than ever that as many people as possible vote on November 6th.

To be able to vote you have to be registered. Here are helpful information and links for anyone who isn't registered to vote or knows someone who isn't.

Registering to vote: (Information taken from the website of the Secretary of State, )

Before you can vote, you must register.  In Minnesota, you may register at least 20 days before Election Day or on Election Day at your polling place. To be eligible to register and vote in Minnesota you must:

  • be at least 18-years-old on Election Day 
  • be a citizen of the United States
  • have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day
  • have any felony conviction record discharged, expired, or completed
  • not be under court-ordered guardianship where a court has revoked your voting rights
  • not have been ruled legally incompetent by a court of law

Updating your registration
Your registration remains current until you move, change your name, or do not vote for four consecutive years.  You may update your registration information by completing and submitting another Voter Registration Application.

You can use this link to find out if you are already registered at your current address.

You can register before Election Day by completing an application and mailing it in or submitting it in person to your local election official.
Here is the application in English.
Versions in other languages are available on the Secretary of State's site.

You also may register on Election Day.
To do so you must bring one of the following with your current name and address:
  • A valid Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, Minnesota ID card, or receipt for any of these
  • A valid student ID card including your photo, if your college has provided a student housing list to election officials
  • A Tribal ID card that contains your picture and signature 
  • A valid registration in the same precinct under a different name or address 
  • A notice of late registration sent to you by your county auditor or city clerk
  • A voter registered in the same precinct as you who can confirm your address with a signed oath
  • An employee of the residential facility where you live who can confirm your address with a signed oath
  • Both 1) a photo ID from the list below, and 2) a current bill from the list below with your current name and address in the precinct

Here are some other helpful links:

Project Vote Smart

More voter information from the Secretary of State

Absentee ballot application

League of Women Voters